Sunday, November 11, 2018

Observations from Behind the Cash Register: A Little Bit of THIS can Save You a lot of THAT

How is my bill over $100 every time I come in here?  I only came in here because . . .
I had no idea what I was making for dinner.
I forgot to buy the broth and noodles.
I didn't think about what I would pack for my kids lunches this week.
We needed kitty litter.

I hear these comments all the time from guests who come through my line at work.  People who haven't planned ahead and needed to pop in for one thing and end up with a cart full of snacks, a couple of shirts, a board game and a lamp. They needed a $2 box of butter and left feeling upset, worried or guilty after placing a charge of $120 on their credit card because they don't get paid until Friday and it's Tuesday evening.

I want to grab them by the shoulders, look them square in the eyes and say - IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY!  A little bit of PLANNING can save you A LOT of TIME, MONEY and STRESS!

Every Saturday morning I spend about 30 minutes looking at the week ahead - sitting at home, sitting in the bleachers at basketball practice or sitting in the car outside of the store.  What are we going to eat?  When am I going to go to the grocery store?  How much money do I have to spend?  Is there anything special going on - a potluck at work?  a friend's birthday?  30 minutes.  That's all. Then I grab my list and head to the store.  Most of the time at that point I'm done.  Of course there are times that I forget to put something on the list or the store doesn't have exactly what I need or we run out of milk mid-week.  But for the most part, I don't need to return to the store until the following Saturday.

When I do have to run into the store for something, I purposefully plan my route.  If I need milk, i head straight for the milk.  If I need a birthday card, I head straight for the cards.  By being purposeful I avoid wandering through the store and picking up random items that I don't need and are not in my budget.

With this little bit of planning, I am saving a lot of . . .

A "quick trip" into the store is never truly a quick trip.  It is robbing me of time that I can be doing something else.  Time with my family.  Time for me!  And think of how much time is wasted if I'm are making 3-4 "quick trips" a week.  That is a lot of time!

Every time I step into the store I am tempted to put something extra in my cart whether I am going into the grocery or a big-box store.  The Oreos from the large colorful display.  The shirts that just went on clearance.  The holiday decorations that I passed by last time, but just HAVE to have for my desk.  It all adds up and often quicker than I expect.

Two of the biggest stressors in my life are time and money.  I feel like I never have enough of either and I can't figure out how to manage them.  Anything that I can do to help keep my stress and finances under control is high on my priority list.When I'm working, it breaks my heart to see the guests who are breaking up their purchases between multiple credit cards based on how close they are to the credit limit.  Or the guest who has to put several things back because there is not enough money in their account to cover the purchase.  I feel sad for the tired kids who are being dragged through the store at 10PM being yelled at by their stressed out parents because the parent didn't buy stuff for lunches. 

I've been taking time to plan my week for a couple of years now.  I am happier.  My family is eating healthier.  We have fewer arguments.  We are all on the same page (most of the time!).  We do much better at sticking to our budget.

There are weeks that I don't make planning a priority and I feel it.  I'm stressed.  I'm grouchy.  I'm rushing around.  We're eating take out.

To me it's a no-brainer - making that planning time every Saturday morning a priority makes for a happier, healthier family.  It can also make a happier, healthier YOU!

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