Tuesday, January 8, 2019

3 Tips for Achieving Your 2019 Goals

It's been one week since New Years Day.  One week since many of us set goals for a healthier, more adventurous, happier, more organized, focused or more active 2019.  Regardless of what goals you set, setting a goal is not a one time event.  It takes time.  It takes work.  It takes heart.  It takes the classic blood, sweat and tears.

One of my favorite and most popular blog posts was one that I wrote last year about three things that I did back in 2010 to help me be successful in reaching my goal.  Here it is . . .

Today I celebrate a New Year's Resolution that I made eight years ago and have kept ever since.  Eight years ago I was overweight, over-stressed and about to go over the edge.  I resolved to get healthy in 2010 and to do that by training for and completing a 5k.  Eight years later, I weigh less, handle my stress better and am an overall much happier person.  How did I accomplish that?  Here are three simple things that I did to help me be successful.

1. Make a PLAN.
In my family, my father is famous for reminding us to PLAN YOUR WORK AND WORK YOUR PLAN.  It's one thing to state your resolution.  But how are you going to do it?  You want to travel more?  When?  Where?  How?  You want to spend more time with your family?  What are you going to do?   When are you going to get together?  Eight years ago I wanted to get healthy.  How was I going to accomplish that?  By training for and completing a 5k.  I chose a local 5k and registered for it.  I found a training plan on-line and mapped out how I would follow it marking training runs on my calendar.  I planned my work.

2. Be PURPOSEFUL in working your plan.
Talking is easy.  I can talk with others about what I plan to do.  Great conversation take place in my head about what I'm going to do.  Creating a plan is easy.  I can write anything I want on my calendar or make charts all day long.  In order to truly make a plan work you must put it into action.  That means making decisions that go along with your plan.  Reminding yourself of your resolution.  Actually doing what you said you were going to do.  For me, that meant posting motivational quotes and reminders of training deadlines around my home, car and desk.  Making the conscious choice to get off the couch and head out the door for a run.  Asking family and friends to hold me accountable.  I worked my plan.

3. Be PATEINT with yourself.
Nobody is perfect and change does not happen overnight.  There were days that I just couldn't get myself together to get out for that training run.  Sometimes that happened two or three days in a row.  I didn't throw in the towel and give up.  No.  I forgave myself, tied my running shoes and got out there.   You're going to mess up.  That's a fact.  Accept it and move on.  Don't let a single mistake or bad decision knock you off track.  Stand up and start again.  It's ok.  Be patient with yourself.

Eight years ago I resolved to get healthy and I set in motion the plan to do that by training for and completing my first 5k.  I beat the statistical odds of New Years Resolutions by successfully keeping my Resolution.
Me and my brother-in-law at the Finish Line of my first 5k - April 2010

And guess what?  Eight years later I am STILL holding tight to that resolution.  Every year I set a few goals for myself.  I PLAN out how I'm going to accomplish them.  I PURPOSEFULLY make decisions sticking with that plan.  And I am PATIENT with myself when things don't go as planned.
2017 Pittsburgh Marathon
Team Muscle Relay Team

If you are serious about making a change in your life - whether it's health/fitness related or not - YOU CAN DO IT!  It will take work and time and sacrifice, but it is possible and it is worth it.

Wishing you the happiest and healthiest 2019!

Sunday, January 6, 2019

The Holiday Hype and My Boo Hoo Party are Over. NOW is the Time to set My 2019 Goals!

It's been nine years since I made a "resolution" to live a healthier life and actually saw it through.  I challenged myself to train for and complete a 5k in 2010 and I did it!  After that, I kept on moving and striving to make healthy life choices.  Nine years later, while the journey has been filled with many twists and turns, I'm still on that path to move more and make healthy choices.
A Journey with Many Twists and Turns
photo from www.fscaston.org

Though I can't lie - 2018 was ROUGH!  I actually did not meet any of the goals that I set for myself last January.  What I viewed as my year of the downfall started in February with a trip to the ER via ambulance thinking I was having a heart attack - turns out it was stress.  March brought an unexpected and (at the time) undesired job transfer.  September arrived with the realization that I was going to have to get a second job in order to keep us afloat.  So, I did.  Come November, we celebrated our first holiday season with both of our children working.  Add in my first year working retail during the holidays and I was thrown for a complete loop.  2018 wrapped up with me covered in hives conked out in an allergy medicine fueled haze.  What a year!

Needless to say, I was thinking that I was done.  Ready to throw in the towel on the whole move more and make wise choices  philosophy that I had been celebrating for the past nine years.  It was not working for me anymore.

Then, two things happened:
1) I adjusted my perspective.  
My family spent some time reviewing our highlights from 2018.  My son talked about his high school graduation and his successful first semester in college.  My daughter talked about getting her first job and her drivers license.  My husband talked about achieving his dream of getting to travel to California.  I realized that each member of my family achieved great things in 2018 and that I played a key role in each of their journeys.  I've tried to teach my children to find joy in the journeys of those you love.  Adjusting my perspective, I saw that I had shared in a tremendous year of great accomplishment and adventure!  2018 is a year that I should remember with great pride.   
JJ's Graduation
Ellie's First Solo Drive
Jamison enjoying the Pacific Ocean
during a Church Conference

2) I remembered my commitment to not give up.
One of Facebook's features that I love is how memories pop up of everything that has happened on that date since you joined.  These past few days have brought back memories of setting personal goals, my inaugural day of training for that first 5k, and words of motivation I shared.  One Scripture verse that I had shared was Galatians 6:9 (NIV), "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."  It's been nine years and while there have certainly been times when I have grown weary, I have NOT given up on myself.  So why would I give up now?

So here I sit on January 6, 2019.  The Holiday Hype is over.  I've declared my Boo Hoo Party to be over effective today.  It's time to look forward to 2019 with great hope and anticipation for what is to come. 

In 2019 I will . . .
* Complete six 5K's by the end of the year.  I've strayed from running, but I'm going to get back out on the road this year!
* Donate blood once a quarter.  I have the same universal blood type as my dad.  He donated on a regular basis for most of his life.  Plus, this is a simple way for me to give back.  In his honor, I want to become a regular donor.
* Go the beach this summer.  Sitting on the beach staring out at the horizon fills my tank. We did not get to the beach last year and I've felt it. 
* Take the Pennsylvania Social Work Licensing Exam by the end of May.  One of my regrets has always been allowing my Ohio license to expire and never obtaining my Pennsylvania license.  That all happened when we first moved to PA 13 years ago - my kids were little, my husband was newly battling his health problems and I was barely functioning - so I can't be too hard on myself.  However, one of the things I learned in 2018 is that it is time to get this done.  

I open up my heart and soul to you simply to say that if I can do this, YOU can do this.  Life is hard.  We are each fighting out own battles.  But we shouldn't give up on taking care of ourselves - physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, financially, professionally - all of those "allies!"  I encourage you to take some time over the next couple of days to think about what you want to accomplish in the year ahead.  It might be one goal or four! 

Here are a few tips for you
1. Make sure your goal is a smart goal!
image from www.smartsheet.com

2. Don't set too many goals.  You want to enjoy this journey and not overwhelm yourself.  Plus, if you achieve all of the goals you set, you can always set more!    It's better to set small goals and celebrate success often rather than risk struggling and giving up.

3. Share your goals with someone.  Saying your goals out loud and to another person makes them feel real.  Whoever you tell can help to hold you accountable.  You don't have to be like me and splash your goals all over the internet, but I encourage you to tell at least one person. 

This post turned out to be a lot longer than I anticipated.  Thanks for reading this and for sticking with me these last several years.  I wish you happy goal setting and a very successful and healthy 2019!