Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Moment of Choice

I'm sitting here after a long draining day and I want nothing more than to crawl into bed, shut out the world and sink into a deep sleep.  But this hasn't been a very healthy day.  I didn't make very wise food choices.  I didn't drink enough water.  And I've had ZERO physical activity.  I should really change into my workout clothes and go to the gym.  But it is snowing outside, which means that it's cold outside.  BBbbrrrrr!  I hate being cold.  That's not a good excuse.  I'll warm up soon enough.  I should really change into my workout clothes and go to the gym.  But I feel like I haven't spent much time with my kids today.  Maybe we should play a board game or something.  But it's getting close to when they should be in bed and neither have showered yet.  I could go to the gym for a quick workout while they are showering and packing up for tomorrow.  So I should really change into my workout clothes and go to the gym.  But I'm really tired . . .

This is the discussion I have with myself nearly everyday.  The easy decision would be to stay put and not get ready for the gym.  I could sit on the couch and argue with myself all evening long.  Eventually that internal discussion will quiet down and I won't even be thinking about exercising.  It takes more mental and physical energy to drag myself off the couch, change and workout than to stay put.

However, the funny thing is that the minute I step out the front door and am greeted by a rush of fresh air, I feel invigorated and so excited to get to the gym or my Zumba class or to start my run around the block.  If that's the case, why am I even wasting my time debating the choice to workout or not? 

The good news is that I am making a good decision more often than not when faced with that moment of choice.  That wasn't always the case.  It's taken time for working out to become a healthy habit.

To workout or not to workout . . . that is the question.  Today my answer is to workout!  What's yours?

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