Sunday, July 15, 2018

Fruity (and Healthy!) Puns for Staff Appreciation

I supervise a group of 12-15 Program Assistants who help me care for a group of frail elderly in an Adult Day Health Center setting.  I enjoy finding creative, inexpensive ways to thank, encourage and motivate them.  It is so easy to do!  Forums like Pinterest and Facebook place an endless number of puns for things like donuts and candy bars at my fingertips.  My staff love to find little treats and notes in their mailboxes or at the Day Center work station.

Over the past few years, I have begun to take a close look at how I can live a healthier life.  By examining myself I became keenly aware that many of my staff were struggling with health issues such as obesity, out-of-control diabetes, high blood pressure and extreme stress.  What kind of support and example was I being by constantly giving them candy bars, donuts, cookies and cans of pop – regardless of how cute the sayings or signss were that went along with them?

I began creating healthier treats to let my staff know how much I appreciate them.  They love them just as much and several have commented that they appreciate my attention to their health.  Here are some examples of fruit themed puns that I’ve used.

1    I’m so GRAPEful for my Team!  Place a bowl of grapes in the Break Room or at the staff work station.

2   Thanks for the GRAPE job you did on the ______ project!  A note with a bag of grapes for an individual staff member.

3   We’re a fantastic BUNCH!  Hang up a sign and put a banana in everyone’s mailbox.

4   We’d go BANANAS without you!  A fun pun to use with a banana or banana muffin for a single staff member.

5   Our Team is one in a MELON! Set out a tray of melon slices.

6   You are appreciated BERRY much!  This can be used with fresh berries or berry muffins.

 ORANGE you glad you work for ________?  I am! Oranges in mailboxes or set out a bowl of oranges.

8   It’s NACHOS one person, it’s our whole Team that makes this a great Center!  I used this one with a plate of apple nachos (apple slices drizzled with melted peanut butter and chocolate chips).

Creating healthy staff appreciation puns is easy, fun and inexpensive (another key point as the funds for these come out of my own pocket).  I still bring in donut holes and mini candy bars every once in a while because those things in moderation are ok, but hopefully my focus on health will have a positive impact on my staff – both on and off the job.

Can you think of any other healthy fun puns using fruit?  Share your ideas in the comments.  I'd love to hear them and use them!

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